Long Overdue
Blogging would be a lot easier if I sat down and attempted it more regularly. How, after so long, do you pick a subject or two to condense a post about...?
This year has been a whirlwind of great things that started to happen slowly after a rough start to the season when a snowboarder collided with my sitski, laying me out for three weeks right off the hop.
Then February arrived and the phone call from my beautiful lawyer girlfriend telling me my long awaited CRA charity application had been approved. RAD Recreation Adapted Society is officially a registered charity after 13 months of waiting, and emailing, and phoning, and pushing for attention.
This perseverance by my lawyers and accountant backing me, my board of directors, and my grand [RAD] mission is what has really kept me on track. Motivation and patience together are proving to be the recipe for success(ish).
The 2nd Polar Plunge came and went, with a slight headache; but I truly feel set up for a successful event February 2019, now placed at the right time, on the right date.
And then the summer arrived. Finally, I am able to thaw the Paramobile out that has been sitting frozen in my garage since November! I loved this motorized wheelchair from the moment I had sat in the thing the summer 2017. After 15 months of chasing my tail trying to get a demo unit throughout the 2017 golf season I trailered one home to British Columbia from Southern California. With the snow melted, the RAD van on the road, and golf tournaments galore, the attraction to this adaptive golf machine started to grow.
Along with the promotion of this incredible piece of engineering, I have had the opportunity to influence universal design projects throughout the Kootenays and onto Vancouver Island as an accessibility consultant.
And surfing....
And sales....
Holy smokes!
My life since spring has sprung has grown incredibly busy. Wonderful busy. But busy none the less.
I know there are some of us that operate best when too busy to procrastinate. That is the category I fall into for sure. I also fall into the category of volunteer... and have more recently been told (almost daily, by more than one person) that I need to stop working for free. In order to continue raising awareness of adaptive recreation while building the largest rental fleet of adaptive gear I need to be compensated...or at least break even on what I am dishing out of my moms wallet.
It has now seeped into September. I am in full swing of planning the 2nd Annual Ugly Pant Classic, which is an epic golf tournament in the middle of chilly October, the last weekend of the season of golf in the Columbia Valley, and a great local party! My biggest problem with events has been my ability to recruit volunteers, I'm trying my best to learn how to solve this problem as quickly as possible... stay tuned.
Since July I have been to San Diego, Vancouver, Honolulu (during Hurricane Lane), Nanaimo, Victoria, Calgary, and Moses Lake Washington. In a day and a half I leave to drive to Kamloops, then turn around to drive to Santa Cruz, drive home before flying to New York, host the Ugly Pant Classic, then perhaps San Diego before heading off to Spain to golf in an international wheelchair golf tournament, before flying with the unit to Victoria, before surfing the ISAs Adaptive Surfing World Championships beginning of December. Then skiing.
The End.
Sleep when you're dead...
I am promising myself that I will put more effort towards this blog business. Attempting to write things interesting enough to read. While staying sane with this incredibly insane schedule!
Signing out.